PASS@UNE, what it’s all about.

Learning isn't achieved in a vacuum. This is an experience that most university students quickly discover, and in a time of global lockdowns, a shared learning and mentoring experience is more valuable than ever. This is the impetus behind the PASS@UNE program....

Elders begin mapping Songlines of Country

Image: Songlines of Country project team at the Gorge with Uncle Kelvin Johnson and Aunty Judy Johnson  The Aboriginal Elders and Cultural Knowledge Holders leading the Songlines of Country project have begun mapping the project’s physical journey. “It is...

Passion for history propels students PhD journey

Light bulb moments are often spoken about, but it is rare that the inception of a passionate interest can be pinpointed as accurately as UNE PhD student Cody Davis’ love for First World War history.  “My specific interest in First World War history is...

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