Supporting high-ability students

Above: Dr Genevieve Thraves and Professor Sue Gregory.   Next week, a UNE expert in 'high ability learners', Dr Genevieve Thraves, will address the first conference held in NSW specifically for educators working with high-ability students. “Every student...

Portrait of Dr Genevieve Thraves and Professor Sue Gregory.

From the Executive Dean – March 2024

Commentary by Professor Jane Edwards   Strengthening HASSE’s future Those of you who attended the VC budget presentation are aware of his intention to be transparent as to the challenges we face. In 2023 HASSE had 1500 fewer students enrolled across our course...

Digital Play Day

In late October, more than 100 preschoolers and kindergarteners came to Lazenby Hall to celebrate Children’s Week and play with robots and technologies. Based on her research, Dr Jo Bird from the Early Childhood team in the School of Education organised the Digital...

From Masters to journal publication

Sometimes it only takes a word or two of encouragement to make a big difference. That was the case for UNE History student, Joanna Auerbach, when feedback on a Masters-level essay on Public History suggested she share her work more widely. The result - Joanna's...

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