Teaching English to Adult Ezidi Learners

One of the many necessary hurdles that stand before newly settled migrants and refugees is learning the primary language spoken in their new home. Yet simultaneously, teaching English as a second language also presents itself as quite a challenge for those willing...

Reconciliation through classical music collaboration

Image: Back row- Dr Julie Collins, Dr Lorina Barker, Phillipa Trelford, Prof Mike Wilmore, Uncle Rick Elwood, Wiradjuri Soprano Georgina Hall, aunty Rebecca McKellar, Dr Paul Smith, Rick McKellar junior, Aunty Louise Elwood (seated); Front row- Dr Alana Blackburn,...

A group of individuals including the composition band, various members of UNE staff and Elder's from the local community stand together

“I guess I was fated to pursue such things.”

What drew you to study? Many students come to university specifically to attain academic credentials for their career, meanwhile others simply wish to reskill and pivot their lives. There are many different ways to academia, for example the path that UNE Alumni...

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