The Hidden Curriculum

Guest post by Dr Sarah Lawrence, Head of Department, Literatures, Languages and Cultures One of the questions that many academics rarely stop to ask themselves is why it is they are academics in the first place. We may have versions of an answer that speak to the...

SoE report – October 2023

Image: Baby shower for Kirra Smith, Course Manager, Curriculum and Academic Management, who is now on Maternity Leave.   Farewell Associate Professor Margaret Brooks departed UNE on 12 September 2023. Margaret was an integral part of the Early Childhood team...

From the Dean – October 2023

The big move Other Deans have advised me that the two things you should never do is change parking requirements or ask academics to move offices. Happily, I cannot see any future decision-making regards to the former but the latter was decided and advised by EBE...

History, the Humanities and HASSE

After a year acting as HASSE’s Associate Dean - Teaching and Learning, Associate Professor Nathan Wise has been appointed full-time to the role. UNE Communications sat down with Nathan and spoke with him about his new role. How did the arc of your career bring you...

HASSE Research Futures Summit

HASSE's Research Futures Summit will be held on October 9-10 Oct 2023. The summit aims to generate strategic discussions about the cutting edge of research in HASSE disciplines, and thinking together about how new directions in our respective fields are shaping...

From UNE Sydney – HASS Guest Column

Senior Lecturer in Music, Dr Paul Smith, reports from UNE Sydney:   September and October mark a busy time for members of UNE's Cultural and Creative Arts Network. The final two 'Creative Conversations' are happening as part of our partnership with the Joan...

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