May 2024 Update


  • Jasmin Webel, Administrative Assistant
  • Solina Quinton, Researcher, working with Associate Professor Brendan Jacobs


  • Leanne Lockrey leaves us on 1 May 2024 – we wish her well in her next venture. 
  • Georgia Christiansen leaves us on 13 June 2024 – after 15 years in in the Office for Professional Learning. We wish her well.


UNE Student Teachers Society (UNESTS) talks event

“Teacher Self Care: Talking about all things self care, behaviour management and working in schools” presented by Jane Weier and Jim White.

Thanks to Anna du Plessis, Maria Cotter, Caroline Cohrssen, Casey Mainsbridge, Seonia Wark, Mutuota Kigotho and Sue Gregory for attending.

Big Ideas Debate: Technology and social media are ruining our brains – 9 May

Dr Cat Volpe (panellist against contention)

Open Day – 3 May 2024 

Thank you to the following people who welcomed our protentional future students: Anna du Plessis, Maria Cotter, Rose Mutuota, Caroline Cohrssen, Casey Mainsbridge, Stafford Cameron, Kristy O’Neill, Mutuota Kigotho, Martin Levins, Jo Bird, Brendan Jacobs, Angel Mok, Helen Harper, Rachael Adlington, Darin Gorry.


To the successful staff in the Collaborative Research Fellows from the School of Education:

    • Teach for the Country Project: Casey Mainsbridge, Sally Larsen
    • Digital Futures Research Hub: Stoo Sepp

Autumn Graduation 2024 – 12 May 2024 

Thank you to the following people who processed: Anna du Plessis, Brendan Jacobs, Mutuota Kigotho, Nadya Rizk, Cat Volpe, Sue Gregory, Angel Mok 

Congratulations to the following who received T3 2023 Overall Student Satisfaction commendations

Skye Playsted EDEE351: English in the Primary Years 1 (External)
Haoran Zheng EDEC317: Science and Technology in Early Childhood Education (External)
Haoran Zheng EDEC315: Mathematics and Engineering in Early Childhood Education (External)
Katy Walsh EDUC540: Classroom Management and Research: Online PrEx 10 days (External)
Maria Cotter EDCX310: Learning in Social Movements (External)
Ben Thorn EDEC303: Performing Arts (External)
Ben Thorn EDEC304: Visual Arts (External)
Seonia Wark EDIT521: Designing Effective Learning Experiences with Technology (External)
Casey Mainsbridge EDPE314: Health and Physical Education in the Primary School (External)

SoE Research Seminar 


  • ASCILITE – free membership for all in the university, please complete this form – join a SIG, social media, monthly newsletters, webinars, research schools, CMALT, TELAS, AJET, mentoring – community and women in academic leadership, grants, awards, bursaries, peer-assisted learning and AJET. 
  • PPDR – Please start thinking about your 2024 goals and begin meeting with your Head of Department. Ensure you discuss Teaching, Research and Service/Leadership outlining SMART Goals (specific, measurable, achievable, relevant and timebound).