The UNE Asia Pacific Network (APN) Research Showcase
Arts A3 Lecture Theatre (E11)
Thursday 15 th June 2023 – 9.15am to 4.45pm
Welcome – Dr Johanna Garnett, APN Administrator Introduction – Head of School of HASS, Professor Alistair Noble
9.30-10.30 Panel One – Moderator – Gwyn McClelland
1. Capacity building in the Asia Pacific region, Dr. Rose Mutuota and Dr Mutuota Kigotha, UNE School of Education.
2. China’s social credit system: How robust is the human rights critique? Dr Simon Burgess, UNE Business School and Matthew Wysel, UNE HASSE.
3. Expanding gender as a category of analysis in development work with a focus on Samoa, Dr Christina Kenny, UNE School of HASS and Dr. Fetaomi Tapu-Qiliho (TBC) University of Samoa.
10.30-11.00 – Coffee Break
11.00 – 12.00 Panel Two – Moderator – Paul Kristiansen
1. Cross Cultural International Peer Support, A Prof. Ingrid Harrington, Dr Vegnes Maniam, Susan Bennett, School of Education UNE; Hayley Trenchard (LeapEd, Malaysia); and Dr Traci Ann Garrad (Notre Dame).
2. Understanding Farm-Household Decision-Making and Adoption of Technologies: Insights and Implications for Intervention Designs, Professor Rene Villano – UNE Business School.
3. Sustainable and climate-resilient agricultural development in the Upper Mekong Delta of Vietnam, Ms. Lien Le, PhD Candidate, School of Environmental and Rural Science.
12.00-1.00 Panel Three – Moderator – Jane Ahlstrand
1. “If the Kids Are United:” Islamic Piety, Right-Wing Islamism, and the Transformation of Youth Resistance in Contemporary Indonesia. Dr Hikmawan Saefullah, UNE School of HASS.
2. ‘Scents, Sensory Colonialism and Social Worlds in Asia’ Dr Gwyn McClelland, UNE School of HASS.
3. ‘Exporting Bushido – Acculturating the Samurai Ethic’, Ms. Lyana Lim Palmer, UNE School of HASS.
1.00-2.30 Lunch – on campus Armidale – Arts Building Tearoom (Basement)
2.30-3.30 Panel Four – Moderator – Christina Kenny
1. ‘Kartini as an ideological vector in the Jokowi era: neoconservatism, neoliberalism and grassroots Islam’, Dr Jane Ahlstrand and Dr Vegnes Maniam, UNE School of HASS.
2. ‘Myanmar post-coup, civil society and grassroots development’, Dr Johanna Garnett, UNE School of HASS.
3. ‘Soviet Big Floral Cloth and the PRC in the 1950s’, Ms. Kate Minkoff, HDR student, UNE School of HASS.
3.30-4.30 Panel Five – Moderator – Johanna Garnett
1. ‘Urban Tokyo Shops as Setting in Japanese Popular Culture: Constructions of Self in Consumer Spaces’, Dr Laura Emily Clark, UNE School of HASS.
2. ‘Next Steps: Preparing School Leavers for Post School Options’, A Prof. Ingrid Harrington, Dr Vegnes Maniam, Susan Bennett, School of Education UNE; and Aizuddin Ghazalli (IPGM Malaysia).
3.’Language is played as a bit of a card here’: How the Vanuatu Supreme Court Manages its Colonial Legacy, Dr Cindy Schneider, UNE School of HASS.
4.30-4.45 Wrap Up – Dr Johanna Garnett, APN Administrator
6.30 – 8.30 Social Event – Armidale – Social dinner
A&J Vietnamese Restaurant, East Mall, Armidale
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