Horus and Boris sighted

Breaking news. The terrible birds are still alive. Spotted at 11:35am, 6th October 2020. Apparently they have taken it upon themselves to become Health & Safety site inspectors. Word is they were very impressed with the barrier fencing. More to come…

We have a cunning plan…

First week back on the excavation and things are already looking exciting. See: That’s Sylvana (Port Arthur) and myself being excited. Why? Because we’re not in the office, that’s why. Due to the COVID we’ve had to re-jig things a bit....

Nearly, but not quite

No, this is not an update on the excavation. It’s all still deathly quiet at the site – bar the raucous cries of lonely Horus and Boris. Instead, it is my absolute pleasure to bring you another publication. This time, it’s in the proceedings of the...

The work goes on…

Though we aren’t excavating anymore, we are still very busy. There’s a lot of research that still needs doing into the evolution and use of the workshops’ space, as well as the lifecourses of the men who worked within it. The team are busily...

Sort of related…

Hi all. Thought some of you may be interested in our latest article that has come out in Australian Archaeology: ‘Landscapes of production and punishment: LiDAR and the process of feature identification and analysis at a Tasmanian convict station’. It...