by jmalouff | Mar 15, 2021 | Human Thinking and Behavior, Religion, Social psychology
We want to know where we came from. Children like to hear stories of their birth. Adopted children often seek out their biological parents. Religions and cultures offer members different creation stories that explain the beginning of humans. Most people...
by jmalouff | Mar 15, 2021 | Emotions, Human Thinking and Behavior
The scientist in me wants to understand what other people are talking about. Let’s say I am curious. Once in a while I hear the expression “jumping the shark.” What the heck does that mean? With an Internet search engine ready to do my bidding, I quickly found the...
by jmalouff | Mar 15, 2021 | Social psychology
I read that a Trump aide described Trump as the most manly president in history. I bet Trump wants to be thought of as manly. Many men do. The theme song of the TV show Two and a Half Men lauds manly men. Men do all sorts of things to prove to themselves...
by jmalouff | Mar 12, 2021 | Social Support
John M. Malouff and Caitlin E. Johnson University of New England, Australia Abstract This article describes a search for expert-recommended warnings for governments to mandate in commercial gambling. The search involved identifying researchers who have published an...
by jmalouff | Feb 13, 2021 | Human Thinking and Behavior, Social psychology
I often read in newspapers about influencers. I am interested in career options, so I decided to delve into the matter. Influencers, operating online, often with videos, influence viewers to use specific products or take specific...