by Alana | May 18, 2020 | General News, News
UNE’s Research Support Network has co-ordinated a four-day event of information sessions for HDR students. Becoming Research Ready at UNE is an online event, hosted on Moodle, for HDR students across all disciplines to learn more about the requirements of being...
by Amy | May 16, 2020 | General News, Latest News, News
At UNE we are continuing to review our response to COVID-19 and to provide further support measures to you. New Initiative (we think you’ll like this one) If you demonstrate that COVID-19 has impacted your study, you may be eligible for the following: Withdrawal...
by Alana | May 15, 2020 | Latest News, News
Long week and then some. As the rhythm of academic business takes us through to the assessment and examination period for Trimester 1, the other aspects of corporate life overlaid by COVID-19 response discussions have dominated much of the week. Working through all...
by Alana | May 14, 2020 | General News, News, Opportunities and Events
An active bystander is someone who, when noticing a situation that concerns them, does something about it – they are everyday superheroes. You might be looking out for your friends, OR you might be calling them out when they are making an offensive comment...
by Alana | May 14, 2020 | News
The next IT maintenance is scheduled for Saturday, 16th May between 6am and 6pm. As a result, some services will experience periods of disruption. Staff and students working or studying physically on campus should expect intermittent outages as...
by Alana | May 13, 2020 | General News, News, Opportunities and Events, Resources
The TQ Scholarship was created to honour the memory of Tony Quirk, a former Boyce Director who was appointed as a Director when he was just 27. Boyce, in conjunction with the University of New England (UNE) Business School (where Tony studied), developed the program...
by Alana | May 11, 2020 | General News, News, Opportunities and Events
Seeking inspiration for a creative outlet this week? There’s 10 days left to get involved! Creative New England is currently running a short story competition for UNE staff, students and the wider New England community. Embrace your inner author and write up a...
by Amy | May 8, 2020 | Latest News, News
One of the dominant experiences of my week has been working from a campus that feels empty and isolated but knowing I am surrounded by people at various locales, all working hard to make the University a place that is centred on and around people through the glorious...
by Alana | May 5, 2020 | General News, Opportunities and Events
Christopher Epakis from the strength and conditioning team at the Sydney Swans would like to invite you to participate in an international webinar series scheduled for Sunday May the 24th. This 9-hour interactive live zoom conference will involve a total of 11...
by Alana | May 4, 2020 | General News, Latest News, Resources
Dear UNE Students, As I am sure you are aware, the COVID-19 response has required a rapid review of many issues, and this has affected the whole of the community. The University has a comprehensive framework for managing this pandemic and business continuity,...
by Alana | May 4, 2020 | Deadlines, General News, Latest News, News
Today, Monday May 4th would have been the last day to withdraw without academic penalty for Trimester 1. In acknowledgment of the impact of COVID-19, we’ve moved the last day to withdraw without incurring any Academic Penalty to Friday May 29th. If you are are...
by Alana | May 2, 2020 | General News, News, Opportunities and Events
The Future Teachers Scholarship assists student teachers in financial need, to help ease the pressure of juggling your finances while you’re on prac. Applications close 15th May 2020. They are awarding 8 x $5,000 Future Teacher Scholarships. There are...
by Alana | May 1, 2020 | General News, Latest News, News
Incredible to me that it is May 1st already; with so much going on the passing of time has not registered quite as much as it usually does or perhaps the context of it is somehow different when so much is now spent on one’s own with just a monitor for company. The...
by Alana | May 1, 2020 | General News, News, Opportunities and Events, Resources
The 2020 National Council of Women of Queensland Inc (NCWQ) bursaries are now open. Applications will close on Monday 1 June. This year there are 40 bursaries on offer for Queensland females from Year 12 to PhD students covering a wide range of studies. If you answer...
by Alana | Apr 30, 2020 | General News, Opportunities and Events
Are you a female enrolled in a business program with a major field of specialisation in accounting, finance, business management, marketing, operations management, human resources management, international business, or entrepreneurship who can demonstrate outstanding...