Free knowledge!

Have you always wanted be an academic? Have you always wanted to read boring articles and come away with no recollection of what they were actually about? Do you want to challenge your vocabulary with made-up words that make you sound slightly insane? Then have I got...

Stars are born, not made

Here’s a quick media-related update. Last week we held some open days for public, fellow professionals and the Tasman Peninsula community. Over five days we had about 100 people come on tours, being wowed by our deep knowledge and good looks. We also made an...

New talk – some history ASMR

For those who cannot get enough of all things convict, join me, your intrepid and devastatingly witty host, on a tour through Van Diemen’s Land. Marvel at the probation system. Gasp at what remains. Cry at what has been lost. Soundcloud link for a talk given 1...

Humble braggart

In an exciting development, we’ve won an award. Well, a project that we (Richard and Martin Gibbs from UNE) worked on last year, in collaboration with Esk Mapping & GIS, has won. The award is for Spatial Enablement from the Asia-Pacific Spatial Excellence...

Crack of dawn

This week your intrepid archaeologists were forced to get up far too early, apply their best pancake makeup and front the cameras – all for the LOVE of archaeology. Well – also because we were asked to do it. The crew from Today rocked up on Monday,...