by Ross | Jun 30, 2010 | Blog Announcements
Hi All, If you are currently using the WP-SlimStat plugin, I would like to advise you that it is going to be removed two-weeks from today, on Wednesday July 14 2010. It is using far too much database space which is then causing problems when we try to do a full backup...
by Ross | Feb 17, 2009 | Uncategorized
Hi, will be offline for a few hours on Thursday morning to allow for some changes to the backend database. Thanks… Ross M. W. Bennetts
by Ross | Feb 5, 2009 | Uncategorized
I’ve just added some new plugins for everyone to play with. They are: Configurable Tag Cloud widget Google Gadget widget Stats Let me know if anything breaks… Ross M. W. Bennetts
by Ross | Jan 30, 2009 | Blog Announcements, Service Anouncements
Hi All, The UNE Blog will be offline for a period of time on Monday morning to enable a software upgrade to WordPress Mu 2.7 This will introduce some changes to the look and feel of the dashboard and also allow for tagging and tag clouds as requested by a number of...
by Ross | Mar 6, 2007 | Service Anouncements
The Datacentre guys want to take our server for a virtual walk or something, so we will be offline again for about an hour tomorrow morning from 7am until around 8am. Our last little bit of downtime allowed me to upgrade the blog software (which broke a few...