Roses benefit from grey water initiative

Roses benefit from grey water initiative

With level 4 water restrictions in place in Armidale, UNE had to turn its taps and sprinklers off, impacting our usually lush campus. One of the high-profile gardens at risk of succumbing to the drought is the Body Donor Memorial Rose Garden located near the Pat...

Blog.UNE Upgraded

I’ve just upgraded Blog.UNE to the latest version of WordPress and all the themes and plugins are also now up-to-date. If you are wondering what’s new & different, check out the video below: If you find any problems, please feel free to leave a comment...

New Plugins

I’ve just added some new plugins for everyone to play with. They are: Configurable Tag Cloud widget Google Gadget widget Stats Let me know if anything breaks… Ross M. W. Bennetts