

I like to climb. Mountains, rock faces, trees. If it goes up, I want to climb it. Why is that? I blame my primate ancestors. They used to live in trees. Trees meant safety to them. Those climbing genes still have a home in me.  I usually feel good and...
Is Pride Good or Bad?

Is Pride Good or Bad?

Can you name the Seven Deadly Sins? They are harder to remember than the Seven Dwarfs. I will help you with the Seven Deadly Sins: pride, greed, lust, envy, gluttony, wrath, and sloth. This list comes from Christian writers 1600 years ago. The Catholic Church helped...
Travel Light Through Life

Travel Light Through Life

I recently visited Europe for three weeks. I took along only a carry-on bag because I like to travel light. That way I avoid having to wait for my suitcase to show up on an airport conveyor belt. Also, I have less to lug around. Traveling light can be valuable in many...