Do children need smacking from time to time?

A UN Committee on the Rights of the Child just issued a report calling on Australia to ban parents from subjecting their children to corporal punishment. The Prime Minister responded by saying he had “chastised” his children at times and does not want...

What’s your story?

I just read in New Scientist magazine that about 108 billion humans have lived on earth at some time or other. That is a lot of life stories! Of course, animals also have life stories (read, e.g., The Secret Life of Dogs). Plants do too. You might think the life...

Want to improve how you perform in job interviews?

Job interviews can be the final, crucial hurdle for getting a job you want. Some individuals are naturals at these interviews – they have the look, the manner, everything. For most of us, doing well is a skill we learn. The usual way to learn a behavioral skill...

Are phobias dangerous?

Phobias (irrational fears of objects or situations) are common. Some phobias have relatively small effects. For instance, a phobia of mice in a person living in an upper-class urban area might lead to only occasional distress and avoidance. However, phobias can be...