Does your work group have a personality?

Humans have a personality — a set of relatively enduring psychological characteristics. Some of these characteristics, e.g., emotional stability and conscientiousness, appear very important to enjoying life and being productive. A work group is a...

The power of praise

When I teach Behavior Modification, I tell my students to include praise in every intervention. When I teach leadership I suggest using praise. Why do I push praise so much? 1. Praise is usually a powerful motivator. It is powerful in part because it is rare in the...

Are you a poor loser?

I find it easy to be a gracious winner. How about you? It’s much harder to be a gracious loser. That’s especially true if we want very much to win, we barely lose, we think  we “should” have won, we don’t like the winner, and we lose...

How can we measure emotional intelligence?

Emotional intelligence is the ability to understand and to regulate emotions in oneself and in others. High EI is associated with more optimism, greater impulse control, better mood, more empathic perspective taking, more closeness and warmth in relationships, greater...