Time to eliminate filler sounds?

I just read an article about what not to do during a job interview. One idea: Don’t use filler sounds, such as um, you know, OK, like. Eliminating these pointless sounds is not easy. I asked my behavior modification students what they would suggest to a person...

Feel like confessing?

I have been reading “Confessions” by Jean-Jacques Rousseau, one of the great thinkers ever to walk the earth. He also wrote “The Social Contract,” which laid a foundation for government by the people. In “Confessions,” Rousseau...

I have goals — do you?

Yesterday at a staff meeting I pitched the idea of our setting goals for our psychology education programs. My argument, in a nutshell: Goals lead to plans, which lead to focused behavior, which leads to achievement. I mentioned that I set goals with my psychotherapy...

Why do pysychologists oppose spanking?

I just watched an Australian 60 Minutes TV episode about parents spanking (“smacking”) their children. I watched a mother hit her children as hard as she could on the rear. The mother seemed to spank the kids every day, for every misbehavior. The show host...