

Have you had embarrassing experiences? Want to hear some of mine? When I was a teen, I met a woman in her 20s who was on the run from another state for some small crime. We hung out a few times and then I got metal braces on my teeth. When she saw me in them, she...
Learning from Experience

Learning from Experience

Ten years ago I went with my three brothers to a Mexican restaurant in a small town near where we had lived as children. I ordered a tostada, a stiff, toasted tortilla with beans, cheese, and other ingredients on top. I added hot sauce, and the tostada looked...
Words We Dislike

Words We Dislike

I read that many people dislike these words: moist, bulbous, fester, mucous, vomit. I did a Facebook-pal survey of disliked words and found a huge variety, including discharge, phlegm, and unpack [as in unpack an idea]. Some of the folks I asked dislike filler terms...
Strange Things

Strange Things

I watched a Netflix series called Stranger Things. It features a mysterious underground monster, nefarious government officials, and appealing teens. I had my own strange experience in a park in an Armidale (NSW) park a few weeks ago. I went to the park after work to...
Need to Achieve

Need to Achieve

Several weeks ago I tried to climb up a mountain to the Needle (a massive point of solid rock) on Cook Island. I planned for an early start, but I missed the place to get out of the bus closest to the start of the trail. So I had to walk 30 minutes to reach the...