Challenge Theory of Longevity

Humans need challenges in order to maximize their life span. These challenges can be physical, mental, social, physiological, or digestive. Physical challenges: Running or walking a long distance, resistance training, playing sports, etc. Mental challenges: Most...

The Right of Workers to Disconnect

Do you finish a work shift, go home, and then start answering work-related phone calls and emails? This pattern is common for many workers: managers, lawyers, teachers, etc.    If you get paid for this extra work or otherwise want to do it, you might not...

Terms for old men

If I live long enough, people may call me an old coot, an old codger, or an old geezer. These terms are sometimes used as derogatory and sometimes used just to mean an old man.  A coot is a water bird that looks awkward when it moves. "Codger" may be a version...

Life has opened up for women

My mother was smart and quite a reader. Being a girl in a big family, she did not have parental support for going to university. She got a job as a secretary, got married, and had children. Her options were limited. Thinking about her experiences led me to consider...

Psychology of Fascists

Fascism "is a political philosophy...that exalts nation and often race above the individual and that stands for a centralized government headed by a dictatorial leader, severe economic and social regimentation, and forcible suppression of opposition." People become...