Plenary Speaker at the Journal of Contemporary Accounting and Economics Annual Symposium 2019

Associate Professor Omar Al Farooque was an sponsored invitee for presenting his research paper (“Future Earnings Predictability and Corporate Governance: Australian Evidence”) in the plenary session of the Journal of Contemporary Accounting and Economics (JCAE) Annual Symposium held on 7-9 January 2019 in Putrajaya, Malaysia. This paper was selected from a large volume of submissions for future publication in a special issue of this high ranked journal (ABDC – A). This year, six research papers were selected including Omar’s paper through a rigorous peer-review process of the journal. The annual symposium of this journal provides a platform for accounting and economics academics to present cutting-edge research findings and to exchange insightful perspective. The conference was cosponsored by the Multimedia University, Malaysia, Deakin University and University of Technology Sydney, Australia, and Hong Kong Polytechnic University.