Budget review

Breakfast Before Nine is proudly brought to you by Parramatta Chamber of Commerce and hosted at UNE FutureCampus

Date: 19th May 2016 7:00am-8:45am
Location: FutureCampus, Parramatta
Live Stream:  Lecture Theatre 3 (W40), EBL Building
Contact: Kath Trevenna, Student Services Officer  ktreven2@une.edu.au 02 9689 4888

The three speakers will discuss the ways for small business to maximise gains following the Federal Government’s Budget last week.shawn leu

One presenter, Dr Shawn Leu from the Business School will outline that while some of the measures announced in the budget are useful in encouraging more capital investment from companies, it is unclear that it will increase the overall level of investment. Instead, it might just prompt companies to bring forward investment.

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