Originally from Walcha, NSW, Brooke Morris graduated from O’Connor Catholic College, Armidale, in 2013 and took two gap years in North Queensland before returning home to commence her Bachelor of Accounting (Agribusiness) at UNE. She resided in Robb College for the...
Date: Friday 2nd Nov 2018, 12.00pm-3.30pm Location: Red Lab, W40, EBL Building, University of New England Armidale Please RSVP to Dr Leopold Bayerlein leopold.bayerlein@une.edu.au Seminar and Workshop This session comprises a one hour seminar followed by a...
The paper examines the importance of different factors driving innovation in Australia's small food industry. There is strong evidence that innovation is a primary driver of a nation’s economic growth. As Australia continues to compete in the global economy, it is...
This paper adds to the debate of understanding the performance of agriculture sector. New agricultural management entities have appeared and been encouraged by the government in the People’s Republic of China (PRC) in recent years. Mainstream opinion has stressed...
We employ the GTAP-E model to analyse the short run effects of two emissions trading scheme (ETS) scenarios at global level subject to 2020 emissions targets. In Scenario 1, an ETS is formulated among Annex 1 countries only, while the ETS is expanded by adding...
Hanson and her party believe in Australia: they believe in our common culture, in our identity as Australians, and in giving one another a “fair go”. They themselves, however, have not consistently afforded everyone a fair go, and their divisive and alienating...
There are large yield gaps in the mixed smallholder farming systems of Africa, with limited opportunities to sustainably increase productivity and adapt to climate change. In this study, the potential of selected measures to meet this challenge is assessed using a...
In early September, Professor Oscar Cacho and Jonathan Moss participated in a workshop in Bogor, Indonesia as part of the ACIAR funded IndoGreen project. The workshop sought to plan the methods, data and survey design required to estimate the socioeconomic and...
Each year, students in MM200 Managing People and Organisations have the unique opportunity to focus their major assignment on a real life case study. On 25 July this year, UNE Business School were pleased to welcome the Oz Medicann Group (OMG) to the JP...
An exciting new offering from UNE Business School seeks to equip students with a fresh new Design Thinking skill set. The 6 week unit gives students the opportunity to work with industry leaders solving real industry challenges in Trimester 3, running as unit...
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