Setting the Grad scene with song

Music is vital to setting the scene of a graduation ceremony. For UNE's winter events, the task falls to singer-songwriter Hattie Oates, who says she’s very excited about being part of these momentous occasions.  “I can’t wait to sing the graduates into...

Behind the grad buzz: food prep

UNE head chef Chris Foldi reveals that in the past five-and-a-half years he’s worked on graduation days, “the kitchen has had ‘Sandstorm’ by Darude on repeat for 10+ hours”. “This may seem unbearable to some but has gracefully found its way to becoming a tradition...

Engagement at the Symposium

UNE hosted its third Learning and Teaching Symposium on Thursday 28th July. Running the entire day, the symposium was well attended, with over 130 registrations and 13 sets of presentations. Rather than a theme, this year’s Learning and Teaching Symposium was built...