The T3 peak exam period begins Tuesday, 28th January, and several staff members have enquired about the level of student support available. As usual, we have additional staff to respond to the volume of phone calls and AskUNE enquiries. Exams & eAssessment staff...
EchoVideo Analytics
EchoVideo provides a comprehensive analytics toolset that enables you to monitor and analyse student engagement with your video/media content. By using the features such as heatmaps and detailed view statistics, you can gain a deeper understanding of how your students...
New Library Service: ClickView
The UNE Library is pleased to advise that the ClickView video streaming service is available to staff and students. The majority of ClickView content has been recorded from television broadcasts, and includes TV episodes, movies, news, documentaries, and more....
Marking Helper: Calculate Late Submission Penalties with Ease
The Marking Helper block is a useful tool for all Unit Coordinators & their markers to be aware of, and has just received a tidy myLearn update! Marking Helper can be found at the top right of the block drawer in all assignment submission spaces within myLearn, to help with late assignments and timely tips.
New Feature: Atrium – Referral system is live
The Atrium team is pleased to announce that the referral system in Atrium is now live. The video below briefly explains the referral system and how to complete a referral. Referrals in Atrium (v1.0) - Referrals aim to...
Tip: Using Rubrics
A marking rubric is a great way to share assessment standards with students and markers. The information needed is provided in an easy-to-follow format with clear information as to expectations for achievement of the given assessment task. If there are multiple...
New Feature: Atrium – myLearn Inactivity Notifications
As part of Atrium’s support to you this trimester, Atrium’s myLearn inactive student notification functionality for your unit(s) is now active for you. The purpose of this alert is to help you monitor basic engagement in your unit and make it simple for you to target...
Feature Reminder: Zoom <-> Echo integration
A T1 reminder that you have the option to OPT IN to an automatic copy of Zoom recordings into your echoVideo library. This will automatically copy all Zoom recordings to your echoVideo library from where you can share them with a unit playlist or embed them as...
Digital Course Pack for Unit Coordinators and OER Directory Coming Soon!
What is a digital course pack you say? A digital course pack contains all the information you need to create learning resources for your students keeping in mind the cognitive load theory, best practices for a reading list, currency, accessibility, inclusivity and...
Top tips for creating a unit introduction video
The Learning Media team have curated a few of the best tips and tricks for creating meaningful and engaging unit introduction videos – create your own or contact us to create a great start to your T2 units.