FEATURE: Zoom  Echo integration

FEATURE: Zoom <-> Echo integration

A T1 reminder that you have the option to OPT IN to an automatic copy of Zoom recordings into your Echo360 library. This will automatically copy all Zoom recordings to your Echo library from where you can share them with a unit playlist or embed them as required. You...

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Udemy (for staff and students)

Udemy (for staff and students)

Access to Udemy will continue to be available for both staff and students. Students can access Udemy at the student URL of https://myune.udemy.com (different from the staff login at https://une.udemy.com) While there is no way to embed content into Moodle, it is...

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New Feature: Turnitin “Flags” panel

New Feature: Turnitin “Flags” panel

Turnitin recently released a new feature that flags up any inconsistencies in a submission that would set it apart from a normal submission. These include hidden or replaced characters that might have been included to make the document unreadable by the TII...

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FEATURE: Zoom  Echo integration

FEATURE: Zoom <-> Echo integration

The Zoom to Echo integration for recordings is finally here! From Wednesday, 20th October 2021, you have the option to OPT IN to an automatic copy of Zoom recordings into your Echo360 library. This will automatically copy all Zoom recordings to your Echo library from...

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New in T3/2021: Site Contacts block in Moodle

New in T3/2021: Site Contacts block in Moodle

From T3/2021, a new Site Contacts block will automatically be added to every teaching unit and will replace the manual teaching staff blocks that are set up in most units. The information in the block will update automatically as new staff are enrolled into the unit...

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New Zoom Feature — Live Transcripts

New Zoom Feature — Live Transcripts

Changes were made earlier this month to store recordings on meetings in the (Australian) Zoom cloud (was AARNet CloudStor). This now give us access to some advanced Zoom features such as Live transcripts  We are also working on the integration with Echo360 to...

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This Month

There are no events for this month.
