T3 Exam request surveys will be sent next week

T3 Exam request surveys will be sent next week

Next week, we intend to send our usual personalised emails (via UNE Qualtrics) to T3 unit coordinators.  The emails will contain the survey link that we use to collect the information we require to facilitate those exams. If you have a unit with an exam in T3 or...

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T1 Exams: get set for success

T1 Exams: get set for success

Exams are already in full swing for T1, with over 2000 sittings already held and more than 13,000 sittings expected during the peak compressed exam week later this month. Here's some key information to ensure that you and your students have a smooth and successful...

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T2 Exams: Supporting an effective experience

T2 Exams: Supporting an effective experience

With the T2 Assessment period starting soon, here's a reminder of simple steps you can take to help students - and staff - have an effective experience with online exams. Set effective expectations Exam supervisors follow the protocols for assessment security set by...

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Changes to T3 key dates for exams and results

Changes to T3 key dates for exams and results

As some of you may have been aware, the planned dates for T3 at the end of this year were not compatible with the start date for T1 2024 in that results would not have been released until the end of week one of Tri-1.  Combining a Board of Examiners week with the...

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Exam preparation helper animation

Exam preparation helper animation

We’ve recently been collaborating with the Academic Skills Office to update the Exam Preparation information page. This was an opportunity to promote a positive approach, whilst providing updated information including how students can familiarise themselves with the...

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This Month

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