Seminar Title: “Organisational Innovation in Agriculture and Food Chains: Towards Sustainable and Market Orientated Business Networks”.

Venue: LT2 W40.

Date: Friday 11th December at 11:00AM.

Professor Jacques Trienekens


The globalisation of food chains and evolving consumer and stakeholder requirements concerning the safety and quality of food and its production processes is forcing businesses to look for ways to link up with other companies in the chain as well as with actors such as government, consumer organisations, NGOs, and research institutes. Taking part in sustainable business networks that address these requirements, and at the same time create new market opportunities, is one of the main challenges faced by food companies today. This seminar will focus on organisation and information exchange in food chains and networks. Results drawn from a number of (PhD) research projects based at Wageningen University will be presented, and also current research conducted into market-oriented international food chains and networks.

Professor Jacques Trienekens is professor of chain and network management at Social Sciences Department of Wageningen University, in The Netherlands. In addition to being one of the world’s leading food and agricultural universities, Wageningen University serves as a national and international focus for food industry research and innovation, providing interfaces for the public and privates sectors with the university. Professor Triennekens has broad experience in national and international research projects related to food chains and networks, both as a researcher and a manager. He is editor and managing editor of the Journal on Chain and Network Science and the International Food and Agribusiness Management Review respectively, and has published more than 150 papers, many of these in peer reviewed international journals such as Journal of Supply Chain Management, International Journal for Production Economics, Advanced Engineering Informatics, Journal on Chain and Network Science and International Food and Agribusiness Management Review. Professor Trienekens is a Fellow of the International Food and Agribusiness Management Association (IFAMA). He has most recently been on sabbatical leave at Lincoln University in New Zealand, working on export value chains for agricultural products.