A Ranked Journal

Burgess, S. (2020) Virtues and values, without disproportion or dysfunction. Australasian Philosophical Review, Vol. 4, Issue 2, 2020.

Silvestre, H., Marques, R., Dollery, B. E. and Gomes de Sá (2020 In Print).  Outsourcing through Intermunicipal Cooperation: Waste Collection and Treatment Services in Southeast Brazil. Public Money and Management, Taylor and Francis, London.

Tran, C. and Dollery, B. E. (2020). Does Municipal Efficiency Affect Citizen Satisfaction? An Empirical Analysis of Efficiency and Effectiveness in Victorian Local Government. Public Administration Quarterly (in print).

Yarram, S. R. and Adapa, S. (2020 Forthcoming). Does family ownership matter in executive pay design? Personnel Review.

Yarram, S.R., Dollery, B. and Tran, C. (Forthcoming), The Impact of Rate Capping on Local Government Expenditure. Policy and Politics.

B Ranked Journal

Harun, H., Hussainey, K., Kharuddin, K. A. M., and Farooque, O. A. (2020) CSR Disclosure, Corporate Governance and Firm Value: A Study on GCC Islamic Banks. International Journal of Accounting and Information Management, Emerald, U.K.

Kharuddin, K. A. M., Basioudis, I. G. and Farooque, O. A. (2020). Effects of the Big 4 National and City-Level Industry Expertise on Audit Quality in the United Kingdom.  Journal of International Accounting, Auditing and Taxation.

Romanzini, E. P., Barbero, R. P., Reis, R. A., Hadley, D., & Malheiros, E. B. (2020). Economic evaluation from beef cattle production industry with intensification in Brazil’s tropical pastures. Tropical Animal Health and Production. doi:10.1007/s11250-020-02304-8

Samie, A., Abbas, A., Azeem, M. M., Hamid, S., Iqbal, M. A., Hasan, S. S., & Deng, X. (2020). Examining the impacts of future land use/land cover changes on climate in Punjab province, Pakistan: implications for environmental sustainability and economic growth. Environmental Science and Pollution Research. doi:10.1007/s11356-020-08984-x

Wright, A. and Dollery, B. E. (2020) The impact of varying penalty values on compliance with unemployment payment requirements: An analysis using 2015/16 Australian national data. Australian Journal of Labour Economics, 23(1) (in print)

Edited Book

Sandhu, K. (2020). Digital Innovations for Customer Engagement, Management, and Organizational Improvement. IGI Global, USA. http://doi:10.4018/978-1-7998-5171-4 Book website: https://www.igi-global.com/book/digital-innovations-customer-engagement-management/245337

ARC Grant Application

Improving Australia’s energy security and efficiency – $354,244. (Prof M Siriwardana (CI, UNE), Prof Clevo Wilson (QUT), Dr Sam Meng (UNE), Prof Abul Quasem Al-Amin (Universiti Tenaga Nasional, Malaysia) , Asst Prof Lin Zhang (City University of Hong Kong)