The IPCC has warned that global measures to tackle climate change are urgently needed to avoid extreme and irreversible impacts on the world’s ecosystems and economy. The ruminant livestock sector is a major source of greenhouse gas emissions as well as a source of livelihood throughout the world, often in areas that are not suitable for other forms of agriculture. This means the ambition of reducing agricultural emissions while protecting food production offers difficult policy challenges. In this paper we assess policy options to manage the trade-off between food production and climate mitigation. This research provides policymakers with a quantitative basis for designing policies that address this challenge in the livestock sector.


Henderson, B., Golub, A., Pambudi, D., Hertel, T., Godde, C., Herrero, M., Cacho, O. & Gerber, P., (2017). The Power and Pain of Market-based Carbon Policies: A Global Application to Greenhouse Gases from Ruminant Livestock Production, Mitigation and Adaption Strategies for Global Change, DOI 10.1007/s11027-017-9737-0.