Dr McClenaghan has been working to support the growth of our region’s leader, delivering two very successful leadership workshops for the Tamworth Junior Chamber of Commerce in June and July, with over 80 business owners and staff attending at the UNE Tamworth Centre.

The success of these workshops lead to the preparation of similar workshops for the Armidale Business Chamber, with the first workshop in September attracting 34 attendees – noted by CEO Susan Cull to be the largest attendance of a workshop in recent memory. The final workshop was held on Thursday 26th October at the Armidale City Bowling Club, examining issues that affect team performance, aimed at developing team leadership skills utilising Patrick Lencioni’s Five Dysfunctions of Teams as a framework. The second workshop focused on building trust, effective conflict skills, team commitment and accountability, and to steer towards a results based future.

This continues the UNE Business School’s close working relationship with our local chambers – for any enquiries, please contact Dr Peter McClenaghan.