On Monday 24 July, UNE Business School was pleased to host a guest lecturer – Lachlan Feggans of CHEP Australia for Brambles presented to students enrolled in MM200 Managing People and Organisations, speaking to the sustainable business practices and mission of Brambles, which is to be the real-life case study for Assessment 2 in the unit.

Lachlan shared some impressive and extraordinary data, talking through the work of Brambles as a global supply-chain logistics solutions company. Lachlan was able to share the findings of 60 years of experience: namely, the importance of customers to the Brambles supply chain. He hit his audience with some sobering statistics around the exponential increase of consumption worldwide in the past 50 years.

This fantastic opportunity to hear from a representative from a company engaging with the challenges embedding sustainability in an organisation and organisational practices, will greatly benefit our MM200 students. The assessment task, due 21 August, calls for an assessment of Brambles’ current dominant commitment to sustainability, an analysis of how innovative this use of sustainability practices is, and asks the students to make further recommendations for areas the company might improve. This hands-on approach to our assessment tasks gives our students the opportunity to apply key concepts to a real-world scenario, setting them up for ongoing consideration of the ways in which sustainability practices can be built into organisations and management strategies.

UNE Business School shared some of Lachlan’s key insights via Twitter – you can follow us via @UNE_BusSchool.

Lachlan’s full lecture is available via the web – visit UNE Business School Seminars in 2017.