Bobby Narain took on an MBA at UNE Business School while operating his own business, taking away a focus on the importance of sustainability and a passion for the international marketplace.
I studied a post-grad certificate in Management and MBA – International Business Management at UNE. I started the journey in Trimester 3, 2014 and did it as 1 paper per trimester while juggling family and a profession as Director of Railway Radio Communications Pty Ltd – a company which I have owned and operated since February 2011. My company integrates train radio systems in diesel locomotives in Australia and I always wanted to put business qualifications behind all decision making and use each UNE modules to strengthen the weakness in my small business.
I thank UNE for granting me an opportunity to study the course and supporting me to create ethical leadership, sustainability, marketing and strategy in the current business environment and in future in the international business environment.

My trip to 2016 China/ South Korea as part of OSSE500 helped me to really gain the depth and understanding how to do business in a cultural environment. This was an important trip as a business student!
I did all my units online with the exception of one, which was the China and South Korea scholarship trip in 2016 – a highlight of the course. Every paper at UNE was challenging and tough but that created more resilience within me to beat it. The unit coordinators were great and supportive in showing the way forward.
The graduation means that I now have conquered the challenge that I set for myself 4 years ago. Discipline and resilience were required trimester after trimester to reach this point in time.
To have reached this personal goal and completed the journey that started 4 years ago is quite an achievement. I definitely will miss the interaction and the learning phases which I thoroughly enjoyed with my coordinators.
The qualification now gives me a boost in confidence to be more entrepreneurial. I need to chase more dreams of setting up companies and executing shelved ideas into reality. I may have had fear of failure but the qualification has now strengthened that aspect of how to minimise the risk. The graduation now gives me a very strong foundation to leverage from and get to a new height in the global business environment.
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