Dr Sujana Adapa recently took part in the Australian Chamber of Commerce and Industry (ACCI) event ‘Enabling Safe and Healthy Workplaces for Small Business’ report and campaign ‘#Part&Parcel – Working with small biz; it’s in the delivery’ launch in the Australian Parliament House, 22nd June 2018, Canberra. 

Dr Adapa attended this breakfast event in her capacity as SEAANZ Board Director, as well as her involvement in the funded research titled ‘Working for our future: Modernising workplace relations in Australia’.

Getting direct access to Work Health and Safety (WHS) information is one of the biggest challenges facing Small and Medium-sized Enterprises (SMEs). The system is too complicated and confusing. According to an independent report commissioned by the Australian Chamber of Commerce and Industry, funded by the Government’s Productivity Education Training (PET) Fund to the Small Enterprise Association of Australia and New Zealand (SEAANZ), SMEs want an easier path to access WHS information and someone to help translate it for their business.

Dr Sujana Adapa, ACCI CEO James Pearson and Australian Small Business and Family Enterprise Ombudsman Ms Kate Carnell AO.