Professor Alison Sheridan and Associate Professor Sujana Adapa  attended the Academy of Management (AoM)  Conference in Boston in August.  The AoM is a global community of nearly 20 000 members from 120 countries, with 11 000 plus of its members attending its annual conference.    This year Alison stepped up to the role of Chair of the Gender and Diversity in Organizations (GDO) Division of the Academy.  Having previously been the GDO Professional Development Workshop (PDW) Chair  in 2016, the GDO Scholarly Program Chair in 2017, and the GDO  Chair-elect in 2018, Alison gained a deep understanding of the breadth and depth of the GDO Division’s activities and is excited by the chance to work with her fellow Executive Committee members and representatives at large (see photo)  to fulfil the primary purpose of the Division which is ‘the development and improvement of members’ capabilities for research and teaching on the subjects of gender and diversity in organizations and to promote understanding of the significance of these topics to the study and practice of management.’

Extending UNE Business School’s engagement with the Academy of Management and the GDO Division in particular, Sujana has taken on the role of Secretary for the GDO Division for 2019/2020.

At the conference, as well as attending the many professional development workshops and paper presentations relevant to their work, Alison and Sujana presented a paper on their most recent research into women’s careers in accounting firms in Australia, India and Malaysia. 

Alison was recognised as an outstanding reviewer for the Gender & Diversity in Organisations (GDO) Division at the conference, and Sujana presented in the Caucus titled ‘Comparative Analysis of Inclusivity: The Other Side of Exclusivity’.