Institute for Rural Futures

Research Seminar

Time: 1.00 pm Tuesday 4 March 2014

Location: Institute for Rural Futures Seminar Room (Building CO12)

Great White Butterfly

Benefit cost analysis of eradication from New Zealand

Dr Miriam East

Please join us


The invasive species, the Great White Butterfly (GWB) was first detected in Nelson, New Zealand in May 2010.  A monitoring program was initiated, and more recently an eradication program has begun, due to the expected impacts on the agricultural industry, urban home gardeners, and on native endemic species of cress in New Zealand.

This seminar will present the findings of a benefit cost analysis comparing the eradication program costs to the potential avoided economic losses that would be incurred with unhindered spread of the butterfly.

The results indicate that under most scenarios, the total benefits to New Zealand of eradicating the GWB are more than the proposed eradication budgets.  Benefit transfer has also been included to determine the potential willingness to pay by the New Zealand public for protection of the native cresses.

Dr Miriam East Ph.D, B.AgEc, Research Fellow, Institute for Rural Futures, BCSS,