Want an exciting and rewarding sphere in which to work while offering a satisfying and fulfilling career and lifestyle? Your strengths and skills have a place in agriculture.

Last weekend, the first GrowAg forum was held in Albury and brought people from many aspects of the agricultural ecosystem together. The common desire – to work for the successful future of Australian agriculture and share this with others. I remain buoyed by the positive energy that came from this event.

‘The next Steve Jobs will be a farmer” Sam Trethewey, GM SproutEx, past speaker at UNE Farming Futures industry dinner promoted at GrowAG. No mistaking, there were some challenging opinions but the encouraging thing is that the constructive discussion from the three days has continued. Fueled by the knowledge that there is a young network of like-minded people with a wide skill set to help one another.

That the first step to change is ownership should resonate with everyone. Take ownership of the public perception of agriculture. A key point from GrowAg was to know your trade, but realised that agriculture is indeed an ecosystem with strength coming though unity across the country; noting Government presence is vital.

Believe me, having graduated last year and only at the beginning of my career, I know how daunting this ‘big picture’ talk can be.

But, Geoff Daniels, Growth Farms, broke it down for me. Firstly, focus on looking after and getting things right at home – look after your home production. From there, embrace the industry. Follow this with Australian agriculture’s place on the global stage. The common theme, understanding the key drivers of productivity.

I’d like to pitch to you what UNE pitched to the audience at GrowAg2016. We’ve developed ideas and goals around what we want to achieve in the coming years and how. Now, close your eyes. Open them and it’s the year 2026. What did we do to get where we are now?


Jo, Lizzie, Kirsty 1 of 3

Lizzie Star (middle) graduated from UNE this year with a Bachelor of Agriculture/ Bachelor of Business.