Student Recruitment in the Age of COVID

From border closures to studying from home and attending digital events near and far, COVID has noticeably impacted the ways in which we connect, engage and reach people across the world. Working in International Education at this time has presented with a handful...

Engage App

The Journey to PhD – Meet Holy Kwabla Zanu

Holy Kwabla Zanu, of the poultry nutrition group, has just had his PhD conferred in absentia. In this post, he does a retrospection of his PhD journey and recounts the many experiences he has had here at the University of New England (UNE).   Holy started his...

In Conversation – Preparing for Exams

Click above to listen to Harrison Munday's chat with Amrit Pal Kaur. Exams have arrived almost as fast as Winter has hit Armidale. And during these times, especially when it is -5 outside, it is tempting to just stay in bed for 1 more hour, or maybe 3…  But,...

A Spirit of Giving

How international students and multicultural communities are encouraging us to reshape our understanding of volunteering.    I do not think I have been as exposed to goodwill and generosity as what I have been while working for the International Office at...

Productivity and embracing the authentic

Feeling pressured to be productive during this COVID-19 crisis? Same.   Is it just me or has anyone else tried to achieve almost unattainable levels of self-development amidst this COVID-19 crisis? Even if you have not tried to you have likely seen the push...