UNE strategic research funding supports high-quality research proposals from individuals and small research teams that will build the longer-term research profile of the University. This UNE Internal Funding Scheme will see grants of up to $5,000 for Tier 1 applications and up to $10,000 for Tier 2 applications, awarded to early career researchers* (ECRs) and mid-career researchers^ (MCRs).
The following researchers were awarded grants in the latest round:
Category | Title | First Name | Last Name | School | Faculty | Project Title | AMOUNT GRANTED |
ECR | Dr | Sanaz | ALIAN | HASS | HASSE | Renewable Energy Zones and Community Engagement | $8,411 |
ECR | Dr | Sally | LARSEN | Education | HASSE | Tracking academic development from early childhood to senior secondary school: A population data linkage pilot study | $10,000 |
ECR | Dr | Cassandra | SUNDARAJA | Psych | Medicine & Health | Birth Trauma and Challenges in Minimizing its Risk: Perspectives from Obstetric Professionals | $9,962 |
ECR | Dr | Zenon | CZENZE | ERS | SABL | Bat Friendly Forestry | $9,600 |
ECR | Dr | Farshid | HAJATI | S&T | SABL | AI-Driven Retinal Imaging for Alzheimer’s Disease Detection | $10,000 |
ECR | Dr | Heidi | KOLKERT | ERS | SABL | Monitoring Fauna Underpasses: Enhancing Teaching and Wildlife Conservation through Practical Applications and Collaboration with Transport for NSW | $4,977 |
ECR | Dr | Amy | MOSS | ERS | SABL | Pilot study to demonstrate if nutrient requirements in poultry are cyclic and not continuous | $4,997 |
ECR | Dr | Rukshan Ahamed | MOHAMED RAFEEK | S&T | SABL | Sulphonylureas as adjunct therapy for Rheymatic Fever and Rheumatic Heart Disease | $9,245 |
ECR | Dr | Manisha | SHAKYA | ERS | SABL | Impact of Arsenic and Antimony on Macroinvertebrate Communities and their Biomolecular Composition in a Freshwater Ecosystem | $10,000 |
ECR | Dr | Laura | SMITH-KHAN | Law | SABL | Improving migrant legal literacy | $4,998 |
MCR | Dr | Matthew | ALLEN | HASS | HASSE | Convict offending in and around public houses: a study of drinking rules | $8,052 |
MCR | Dr | Alana | BLACKBURN | HASS | HASSE | The state of regional music in New England North West and South East Queensland. | $8,010 |
MCR | A/Prof | Adele | NYE | Education | HASSE | The Absent Child: Affect and Corporeality in Museums | $9,200 |
MCR | Dr | Md Shahidul | ISLAM | Health | Medicine & Health | Understanding the use of telehealth among the Refugees and Migrants in regional areas of Australia | $9,710 |
MCR | Dr | Joseph | TURNER | Rural Medicine | Medicine & Health | Change of mind during abortion: delineating factors implicated in complex and urgent decision-making (COMDA study) | $10,000 |
MCR | Dr | Timothy | CHAPMAN | ERS | SABL | Slow earthquakes still get the gold? | $9,956 |
MCR | Dr | Nitin | CHITRANSHI | S&T | SABL | Liposomal Quercetin and Resveratrol for Glaucoma: Industry-Driven Advances in Neuroprotection | $9,931 |
MCR | A/Prof | Luke | MILAN | ERS | SABL | Hunting for the lost arc (and its copper) | $9,784 |
MCR | Dr | Eric | NORDBERG | ERS | SABL | Measuring microclimates under solar panels: can they be modelled to predict habitat suitability for wildlife? | $9,991 |
MCR | Dr | Md | SHAHIDUZZAMAN | Business | SABL | Ag-Tech and Sustainability Synergies in Australia: Innovating SMEs in Protected Horticulture Sector | $9,702 |