For a month from 17 August to 17 September, a series of 17 events are being held around the Armidale community to promote the cause of global peace.

Hand-In-Hand Peace with Justice is a response by the local chapter of Women in Black to the global horrors of war, the spread of fascism, climate change, growing inequality, racism, exploitation of natural resources, and other causes of trauma and despair.

The group says it wants to “turn towards our community, towards the idea that peace begins locally with every interaction”.

“We want to foster peace, address injustice, share creative responses to serious issues, and enjoy the company of others.”

Some events were especially designed for Hand-In-Hand. Unfinished Business welcomes people to the Aboriginal Cultural Centre and Keeping Place to yarn about truth-telling and the shared experiences of living in Armidale.  A concert – an echo of the concert held before the Voice referendum – will demonstrate the rich diversity of local musical talent and invite people into the ancient group activities of song and dance.

A forum, Peace through Non-Violence, is a contribution to the event by UNE Peace Studies. This evening will directly address ways that people can interact in ways that support peace – like the interdependent activities of listening, eating and talking together.

Armidale Women in Black hope that people will also try new things, like meditation, yoga, writing, creating haiku and working in the Creeklands.

View the full program: Hand-in-Hand program