Did you know that UNE was mentioned in media outlets more than 13,200 times this year?

Thanks to news generated through our academics, alumni and students, statistics from UNE’s media monitoring service show that UNE was mentioned in traditional media (print, online, TV and radio) between 1,000 and 2,600 times a month. Stories of UNE’s research and student success are reaching our audiences, through a variety of different media channels.

Read more with a Meltwater summary of 2023 to date (password ‘une’).

UNE Media highlights in 2023 include:

  • Engaging with our New England North West region – there were more than 1000 mentions in our local print, radioonline media
  • UNE Corporate Communications introduced a public facing Pulse newsletter every Thursday, which is achieving great engagement with our stakeholders, alumni and media who want to hear more from us. You can encourage any non-staff members to sign up to receive our news at this link.
  • UNE Social Media introduced Shorthand – a new and engaging way to tell research and student stories.
  • UNE Life and TuneFM introduced their highly successful news podcast, focussing on UNE experts and their research.

Social Media

On the social media front, our efforts and results continue to grow. Across our core and faculty pages, our followers have increased by more than 11,120 people, we have published well over 3,000 posts, and these have been seen more than 35.7 million times. The nature of Social Media platforms is short-sharp and compelling content generated to cause a reaction and engage in further conversation with our UNE community. Our posts with the best reach and engagement have included graduation photo albums; student profiles and student news; and staff out in the field or in the community.

  • Facebook – 46,193 followers (growth of 3.84% in 2023). Number of posts: 170+
  • LinkedIn – 79,359 followers (growth of 2.88% in 2023) Number of posts: 192
  • Instagram – 8,629 followers (growth of 13.69% in 2023) Number of posts: 468+, total impressions: 7.05 million

The Conversation

34 Conversation articles were published by UNE academics in 2023, a vital channel to publish our research and expertise. These articles led to an incredible 631,000 reads nationally and internationally:

Top reads for 2023 were:

  • What are the long-term effects of quitting social media? Almost nobody can log off long enough to find out, by John Malouff
  • Human and Neanderthal brains have a surprising ‘youthful’ quality in common, new research finds, by Stephen Wroe, Gabriele Sansalone, Pasquale Raia
  • More than 650 refugees arrived in this regional town. Locals’ welcoming attitudes flipped the stereotype, by Sue Watt, Stefania Paolini, Tadgh McMahon

Read more on all the stories published in the Conversation in 2023

Get involved:

How can you work with us in 2024 to build your profile, share your research impact, promote your event and help us engage current and future students, and our community?

Email us at media@une.edu.au and share your upcoming event, publication or student story.

For event guidance and Executive participation at events email events.pr@une.edu.au.

Would you like to receive the daily news summary generated by UNE Corporate Communications and Meltwater? It covers UNE in the news, higher education news and UNE social media. Email media@une.edu.au

Above all, our social media followers love to see the photos, videos and stories of UNE people and places, events – so if you snap something on your phone at UNE or in the field, or you hear some good news, please share it with the social team at socialmedia@une.edu.au.

You can also help us reach more people and spread our good news by following the UNE core and faculty pages on LinkedIn, Facebook and Instagram, and sharing our posts.