Image: Uptake of Atrium has steadily increased since 2022.

With proactive student support becoming increasingly important, it’s a timely reminder that UNE’s Atrium is the preferred platform for helping academics connect with students in their units who may be needing some extra help along their educational journey.

Now in  its second year,  this proactive outreach helps students to make informed decisions regarding their study and enriches the teacher-student relationship, which is one the most important aspects of learning and a core value at UNE.

A central component of Atrium is the online application. Academics can view student’s course progression data and efficiently and effectively move through the phases of identifying, contacting, supporting, and recording their interactions with individual students in their units. New functionality includes a trigger alert system that automatically sends unit coordinators email prompts when a student is inactive in the Learning Management System (LMS) for an extended period. 

So far, in T2 2023, over 6000 emails have been sent to more than 2500 students in over 150 units. This is more than five times the emails sent and three times more activity on the platform compared to T2, 2022, confirming academic uptake is expanding.

The platform also provides a fast and efficient way to identify HEPPP students and other equity groups, which allows educators to focus their help to those students who will most benefit from connecting with their teacher.

Below are examples of the significant feedback received from academics about Atrium.

          “Atrium continues to be a great resource to support me to support my students each trimester.”

          “It gives access to the essential information that an educator should have to engage with students.”

          “It assists in my being able to fine tune support to individual students.”

          “I can gain a holistic view of the student’s academic experience – this was not possible for me before.”

Students are also increasingly commenting on the impact personalised contact from their Unit Co-ordinator is having on their studies.

          “This message from you is the reason I’ve chosen to stay on with [unit] this term.”

          “I am very appreciative that you have done this [send message]. I feel like I am more than a number!”

Expansion plans for Atrium in 2023 and 2024 are well under way, including deepening the Moodle integration, which will further support academics to more easily identify students who may benefit with a check in.

The team are also currently mapping all UNE services available for students and designing a decision tree for academics, expanding the Atrium user guide and consolidating knowledge-based articles to answer frequently asked questions.

In another exciting development, Matt Tighe has joined the Atrium team to assist with data analysis to help understand the impact of academic outreach and the benefits to students, especially HEPPP students.

Atrium was built by CASI, UNE’s Data Transformation Hub, by integrating data from UNE’s Student Management Systems (SMS), Learning Management System (LMS), and other systems to create an intuitive, user-friendly platform for academics.

If you are interesting in learning more, look out for an Atrium Roadshow coming to you soon. The roadshow will include the release of all new Atrium features or contact