The Vice-Chancellor Citations for Education Excellence are the highest level of education award at UNE. Receiving a Vice-Chancellor Citation, means being recognised as among the University of New England’s exceptional educators. Colleagues who receive a Vice-Chancellor Citation have demonstrated an outstanding contribution to student learning through their dedication to the provision of quality education.

Announced by the Deputy Vice-Chancellor, Professor Simon Evans, at the UNE Learning and Teaching Symposium, one Individual and two Team Vice-Chancellor Citations have been awarded for 2023.

  • Dr Miriam Neigert, Faculty of HASS, School of HASS. For humanising assessment by implementing portfolios in German language units as an authentic and personalised approach to assessing language learning.
  • The UNE Writing Discipline, Lili Pâquet and Ariella Van Luyn, Faculty of HASS, School of HASS. For transforming assessed peer workshopping for online students.
  • The Clinical Psychology Team, Dr Kylie Rice, Ms Sarah Sherratt, A/Prof Suzie Cosh, A/Prof Clara Murray, Dr Amanda Jeffreys, Ms Alice Hone, Dr Hayley Farrell, Dr Cassandra Sundaraja, and Dr Phil Tully. For an accessible and standardised practicum: The development and implementation of a simulated placement in professional psychology training.

Vice-Chancellor Citations for Education Excellence recognise the exemplary work done by UNE educators across four broad areas, impact on student learning; recognition and adoption of exemplary practice; creative, innovative and novel educational approaches; and engagement in the scholarship of teaching and learning.

Thanks to colleagues in the Schools and Faculties for supporting the Citations for Education Excellence processes through their contributions as assessors for School, Faculty and Vice-Chancellor assessor panels and providing feedback and mentorship to Citation nominees.

Congratulations to all our 2023 Vice-Chancellor Citations recipients, this is an outstanding achievement.