Learn more about UNE’s confidential complaints service – Grapevine
UNE has used an external, independent and confidential service to handle any staff and student complaints since 2020.
The objective of an external service is ensure staff and students feel confident about reporting a grievance, and that their information will be kept completely confidential. This is an important part of People and Culture’s commitment to a safe and respectful working environment.
What is Grapevine?
Grapevine provides a safe environment for anonymous reporting of grievances. The Grapevine service platform offers expert technical advice, guidance and support throughout the disclosure reporting process.
UNE’s commitment to Grapevine is integral to our commitment to UNE Safety Culture and Wellbeing review and the Safer Communities program, encompassing all staff and students.
If you make a report to Grapevine, you can choose to remain anonymous and Grapevine will respect this.
What happens if I make a complaint through Grapevine?
Upon receipt of a complaint disclosure the Grapevine legal experts conduct a triage to determine if the reporter wishes to remain anonymous and the nature of the complaint disclosure.
There can be three scenarios:
- The reporter does not provide any personal identification information including name, phone number, email, or Student number;
- The reporter provides some all/ personal identity information but expressly stipulates they wish to remain anonymous to UNE;
- The reporter provides all/ personal identity information with no request to remain anonymous.
In circumstances where a reporter expressly stipulated, they wish to remain anonymous to UNE, no personal information captured will be included in the briefing report to People & Culture and the disclosure will redact any information that may identify the reporter (e.g., role title).
Remember if you make an anonymous complaint that there is no way of P&C being able to contact the individual for more information about a matter raised, and if the issue is very generic then it is difficult for P&C to take action on the matter.
What personal data does Grapevine collect?
All caller identification is removed by the telecommunications provider before it reaches the Grapevine. Grapevine does not record calls.
No attempt is made to identify users. When entering the Grapevine platform website, all recording of IP scripting is denied, in order to protect the identity of the information provider. As it is denied, there are no records for Grapevine to store, administer and/or destroy.
How do I access Grapevine?
There is more information and links to make a report on the UNE website.