UNE colleagues have been recognised at the Faculty level for their outstanding contributions to student learning after being awarded Faculty Citations for Education Excellence.

In total, nine Faculty Citations were awarded across all Faculties and Education Futures.

The Faculty of Science, Agriculture, Business and Law received two individual and two team citations. Congratulations to Dr Supawadee (Bee) Moss and Dr James Turnell for their individual citations, and to the Bug Busters (Dr Gal Winter, Dr Dane Lyddiard, Professor Natkunam Ketheesan), and the UNE STEM Gamemakers (Dr Nick Andronicos, Mr Terry Barnett, Dr Siew Chong, Dr Adrienne Burns, Dr Sinead Henderson) for their team citations.

The Faculty of Humanities, Arts, Social Sciences and Education received three individual citations. Congratulations to Dr Kristy O’Neill, Dr Miriam Neigert, and Dr Melanie Fillios.

The Faculty of Medicine and Health received one individual citation. Congratulations to Associate Professor Stuart Wark. Education Futures received one team citation. Congratulations to the UNE Concierge (Ms Kate Pardy, Ms Anna Dellow, Mrs Airlie Bell, Mrs Alicia Pringle).

Faculty Citations for Education Excellence recognise the exemplary work done at the Faculty level by educators across four broad areas, impact on student learning; recognition and adoption of practices at School, Faculty level and beyond; creative, innovative and novel educational approaches; and engagement in the scholarship of teaching and learning.

Faculty Citation holders now become eligible to nominate for an institutional level citation and, if successful, may be nominated for the 2022 Australian Awards for University Teaching (AAUT).

Thanks also must go to the Schools and Faculties for supporting the Citations for Education Excellence through the provision of assessors for School and Faculty assessor panels and providing feedback and mentorship to citation nominees.

If you or your team believe you have educational practices worthy of recognition, it all starts with a two-page School Citation nomination. From there, you will be supported through the process of developing and presenting Faculty, institutional level nominations and then possibly, becoming one of UNE’s nominations for an Australian Awards for University Teaching. Expressions of interest for School Citations for Education Excellence will be opening soon.