Throughout Trimester 1, UNE is progressing with the piloting and trialling of the Academic Workload Framework and Model.

Trialling and implementation of an hours-based workload requires new data to be gathered which is unique to the first implementation.  The first stage is the build of the teaching activities per Unit. How many lectures per week?  Does the Unit include fieldwork or tutorials? In subsequent years this information will based on the prior year and simply amended as required so the task becomes easier.

Over the coming months, academics will be approached by their Faculty Manager in order to have a discussion about the structure of their workload.

The role of the Faculty Managers is to record and analyse workload data and provide meaningful information to the academic community to facilitate workload planning decisions.

Faculty managers are gathering information regarding the teaching activities for every Unit (Stage One), offered at UNE. Stage two information is primarily automated although we would like the help of our academics to understand any changes to your FTE and planned study leave. Stage three also requires additional engagement from academics to comprehend what teaching activities they undertake to deliver their Units.

The overall process for our transition year is akin to:



We appreciate your assistance and ask that you please continue to engage and provide information during this trial period.