Psychology Research Seminar

Friday, 5 June, 12 – 1pm

Streamed online with Zoom

Using Zoom, interactive online technology, at the time provided above you can watch the following research talk by clicking the link below and following the prompts.  The final prompt will be ‘Join with computer audio’. 

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 Alpha Neurofeedback Training for Mental Resilience with Graham Jamieson and Katie Burrup, University of New England

Mental resilience is associated with the ability to adapt and cope with adversity, life stressors, and traumatic events, all of which are associated with cognitive flexibility. By studying the neuroscience of affective self-regulation, in a population likely to be exposed to traumatic events, this type of research may assist people who work in emergency services, the police force and the military. We used alpha band neurofeedback training targeting the right anterior insula (RAI) of the human brain in order to enhance the ability to control strong emotional responses and thus contribute to mental resilience in stressful situations.

The ability to train neural networks to increase alpha activity, thus inhibiting neural activity in the RAI which can over-regulate adverse emotional responses while experiencing distressing or threatening stimuli is expected to increase optimal performance of perceptual and motor skills required in a life threatening situation, and also to reduce the onset of adverse mental health conditions such anxiety, depression and PTSD following exposure to such situations.

All welcome

For further information, contact Bruce Stevenson (6773 2565,

If you would like to view any of our past talks, please click on the following link – Psychology Seminar Series