The IndoBeef research project team is happy to announce that Professor Dahlanuddin from the University of Mataram, Indonesia, will give a guest lecture on:

IMPROVING BEEF PRODUCTION IN INDONESIAExperiences from over a decade of development research to support smallholder farmers

The event will be held on Tuesday, 12 March from 4-5pm in EM2 (W055_2.274 EM2 (Natural Resource Management Building).

Prof. Dahlanuddin is a UNE alumnus and currently holds a professorship in Ruminant Nutrition in the Faculty of Animal Science at the University of Mataram, Indonesia. He is involved in the IndoBeef research program in which he leads Adoption and Scaling research activities. Prof. Dahlanuddin holds a wealth of expertise in research for development cooperation funded by ACIAR and NZAid as well as conducting applied field research always with one goal in mind: to improve the situation of local smallholders!