gal winterUNE lecturer in Biomedical Science Dr Gal Winter  is “super excited” to be taking part in an Australian Academy of Science Think Tank to discuss food and nutrition in late July.

“It’s a chance to make a difference and to help shape public policy and set the direction for future research,” said Dr Winter. “It will be fantastic to work with other researchers in my field.”

The Theo Murphy High Flyers Think Tanks bring together early- and mid-career researchers from a range of disciplines to discuss how science and technology can be applied to address issues of national importance. After a couple of days of collaboration, participants are asked to recommend what further research is needed and to propose solutions to their team’s problem.

Dr Winter’s research focuses on the effect of different microbes on our health – from digestion and metabolism to behaviour. “Microbes in our gut even influence our brain activity,” she said. “And I am also interested in looking at if and how microbes in our environment affect human health.”

The think tank is being held in Perth from 26-28 July.