Feature Reminder: Zoom  Echo integration

Feature Reminder: Zoom <-> Echo integration

A T1 reminder that you have the option to OPT IN to an automatic copy of Zoom recordings into your echoVideo library. This will automatically copy all Zoom recordings to your echoVideo library from where you can share them with a unit playlist or embed them as...

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DigEd drone (Dempster) takes flight!

DigEd drone (Dempster) takes flight!

Yesterday, we celebrated UNE’s 70th birthday and inaugurated our new drone, Dempster (Digital-Education’s-Mavic-Pro-Sky-Trekking-Enthusiast-Rover). With our CASA-certified pilots at the helm, this 4K marvel promises to elevate our videography game, offering locational mapping, 360 imagery, and an extended 3D capability.

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