A recording of the recent Introduction to Atrium session is now viewable using the link below.

Watch Introduction to Atrium


  • 0:00 Introduction
  • 1:53 Getting access to your class
  • 2:40 Dashboard overview
  • 6:40 Student view
  • 8:20 Creating and sending an email
  • 12:00 Student contact records
  • 12:45 Creating email templates
  • 16:30 Record non-email contact
  • 17:50 Adding other teaching staff to Atrium
  • 19:35 Conclusion

Ideas on how to use Atrium in the first weeks of teaching

After watching the video above, you might like to try using Atrium to do the following:

  1. Contact students who recently enrolled in your unit (example image below) to help them get started.
  2. Contact students who have previously failed your unit to let them know you’re there to help.
  3. Contact students who have not completed an early activity/quiz to offer a reminder (currently requires looking on Moodle).