The next webinar in our Academic Development series will be:

Showcasing the Atrium Retention Platform

Offered: Monday 20th June 11:10 am – 11:50 am

Please register via this link:

(Registrations close – 9:30 am Monday 20th June). 


Martin Schmude and Lisa Harrison from the Atrium team are looking forward to showcasing the Atrium Retention Platform on Monday 20th June, 2022. The platform will be available to all Academics teaching in T2 2022. Atrium is UNE-built, it integrates Moodle, Callista and SRM. The platform was designed by Academics for Academics and aims to save time (by bringing information from a range of sources to one space) and provide easy to use resources to help improve retention. 

If you would like some background information prior to the webinar and if you have time, you can go to a series of short videos (5 mins each) developed to showcase the project. 

Here is a link:, Password = une.

We would recommend watching Video 2 which provides background information on the project and Video 4 which provides the results from the T2 2021 pilot.

Duration: 40 minutes  

Location: Zoom session 

We would be grateful if you could please pass this invite on to sessional staff who may not be on the all-coordinators email list. Thank you!